West Horsley Place is a member of the newly formed Horsley Community Action Group, which is seeking to tackle anti-social behaviour across our village. Sadly the last eighteen months have seen a dramatic increase in instances of littering, vandalism and other anti-social behaviours in Horsley's public green spaces. West Horsley Place itself has also felt the effect of this issue; with various instances happening on the estate.

As a positive step to raise awareness of the problem, the Action Group launched a poster competition for local schools, encouraging our young people to create a channel to communicate the importance of respecting our green spaces and village residents, to their peers. The winning entries will be printed and displayed around East and West Horsley. As an extra incentive, WHP contacted the producers of BBC comedy series Ghosts, which is shot here, to provide a money-can't-buy prize: a visit to the Ghosts set at WHP for the five successful winners and a friend. 

The response to the competition was fantastic. WHP Operations Manager Clare Clinton, alongside West Horsley Parish Councillor Vanessa Buosi and Ghosts Line Producer Jill Forbes judged over 100 entries to select five winners. We were blown away by the creativity and passion of the entries to such an extent that an extra group of runners up was also selected to have their posters displayed around the villages. 

Ghosts Line Producer Jill Forbes, 

"I thought all the posters were amazing and it was lovely to see so many entries.  It was great to be able to invite the children to see where we film Ghosts!  We love being at WHP and are so happy we can be involved in the local community too."

The winners spent a happy morning on set and also learned more about our remarkable history, but seemed quite disappointed not to bump into any real Ghosts!

Raleigh School Head Fiona O'Neill, 

"We were all absolutely fascinated and thrilled to have such a wonderful opportunity to go backstage at WHP for 'Ghosts'. The scale of the work these teams have to do to create the authentic look required is quite remarkable and it was really interesting to play 'real' or 'fake' with so many artefacts inside and outside the house. The children who won this prize produced some truly creative posters to try to discourage anti-social behaviour out and about around Horsley and I know that they are looking forward to seeing their efforts on display in various places in the villages."